Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meet Time Master Assistant, Melissa Meeks. Yes, behind many a good author, there sits, (or in many cases runs) a good assistant. Be it a research assistant, editing assistant, or in my case, "Melissa! Gads where are my glasses?!" Melissa: "You're wearing them." Me: "Oh crumbs." Melissa: "You said it." Some times one needs a good assistant to become a second brain. Many writers need that special person or persons to bounce ideas off of. We like sounding boards. Others prefer to quietly contemplate their ideas, write them in a scene then get an opinion. Myself, I'm a little of both. It much depends on the scene I'm writing. An author's assistant is also usually a voracious reader. A good thing. After all, any time spent with an author usually includes being surrounded by a lot of books. We writers also love to read and it's just darn fun to discuss what we've read with someone! Not to mention trade books with. With a knack for detail, Melissa will remember things about a book I might have forgotten, especially if I'm outlining or prepping a scene for one of my own books. It's very hard for some writers to read fiction while creating or writing it. Alas, I'm one of them. So it's nice to hear a little about a book I want to read, but can't quite as I have to finish my own book first! Kind of like getting to have your own movie preview system only with books! So thank you, Melissa for all you do! Including making sure I know where my glasses are at all times, your superb copy line editing, attention to detail, and good company while brainstorming over tea! Now, let's get to work!


Melissa (ForstRose) said...

I must admit I'm not too keen on being in the spotlight but after my conversation with Geralyn last night on IM this doesn't come as a huge surprise. Although I would have expected something a little more TM specific when she said she was going to blog. If you're looking for Time Masters stuff there is plenty to be found here. Lots of excerpts and other goodies while she is busy typing and plotting away on the books as we readers wait for the next one to get to us.

Lisa LaVergne-Pottgen said...

Aww! See, now I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. I know Melissa busted her behind helping to get the word out about TM during it's freebie period on Kindle!

Author Kit Morgan said...

Yes, she's a keeper!

Lisa LaVergne-Pottgen said...

Course, if I ever finish this stupid novel, I may want to borrow her. How do you feel about sharing?

Author Kit Morgan said...

You'll have to ask Melissa! Finish that thing, will you!